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Written by HenryOliver

Email is Where Keystrokes Go to Die

His point was clear: Every keystroke you type is one stroke closer to your last. And because every keystroke counts the same, why spend so many of those keystrokes answering emails that 1 person will read and then never look at again, when you could be using Read More...

Written by HenryOliver

Free Download Mastering Creativity First Edition

These are questions that we don't often ask ourselves, but they are built into our beliefs and actions about many phases of life. We often think that the reason we aren't succeeding is because we haven't found the right strategy or because we weren't born with the Read More...

Written by HenryOliver

Three Simple Ways to Make Exercise a Habit

A lot of people want to build an exercise habit that sticks.  A 2012 survey analyzed the top ten habits of thousands of people and found that exercise was number one by a long shot. Of course, wanting to make exercise a habit and actually doing it Read More...

Written by HenryOliver

Three Ways to Improve Your Sleep

Most people aren't getting enough sleep, plain and simple. But and this is the important thing to realize we don't recognize that we are sleep deprived. In my comprehensive article on the science of sleep, The Beginner’s Guide to Overcoming Sleep Deprivation, I covered this problem, discussed Read More...